Now Casting Kids

National Casting: TBN Passover TV Special


National Casting: TBN Passover TV Special
National Casting: TBN Passover TV Special

Project Synopsis
Jesus in the Passover is a cinematic reenactment of the event known to Christians as the Last Supper.

Rate Details
Travel/Lodging/Per Diem Provided for Non-Dallas locals.

Work Requirements
Filming Dates: Mid-February, 2023 (6 Days TBD)
Filming Location: Dallas, Texas & Weatherford, Tx (Capernaum Village)

Terms of Hire: Local and Non-Locals may apply (see specific roles for details)


Boy aged 11-14 Multiple Ethnic Appearances
12-ish, thin and frail, shaped by disability and abuse. His face and performance should invoke the lifelong oppression of slavery he and his family has endured.

Boy aged 10-15 Multiple Ethnic Appearances
National Casting: To play 12 years old – in Jewish culture on the brink of being considered a man. Boyish in
appearance, but eager to be part of the adults, one of the men, always looking to show his readiness.

Girl aged 9-13 Multiple Ethnic Appearances
National Casting: To play 10 years old, lovely inside and out, wins the viewers over from the start. Excitable, but also
capable of sensitivity, empathy, aware of the needs of others. A significant,
demanding role for a young actress.

Gender Both
Age : 9-15 yrs
Pay Scale : $500 per day
Location : Anywhere